Rev. Deolal Toofan

Rev. Deolal Toofan

Superintendant-Director Region II

Rev. Deolal Toofan

Rev. Deolal Toofan was born into a Hindu home and maintained a religious lifestyle until he experienced a supernatural transformation on his life. He accepted the Lord as his saviour in 1974 and was later baptized. Filled with the urgency to gain more knowledge, he enrolled at Bible college. He graduated from OBIT obtaining his diploma in theology in 1978. He pursued further Biblical studies with ACTS.

He was a professional worker in the vehicle industry for many years, working at various companies, and later became an entrepreneur within the same field of business. All this involvement was actually a training ground for the call of God upon his life to begin his ministry.

Rev. Toofan served faithfully at the Princes Town O.B.C. in different capacities, youth president, Sunday school teacher, and general activities, and also the Indian Walk O.B.C. as a youth advisor and other ministries. He was the interim pastor at the Indian Trail and Tabaquite O.B.C. and later became Pastor of the California O.B.C.

In the year 1994, he received a prophetic call to leave his homeland to begin an amazing, anointed journey with the International Pentecostal Assembly to function as a missionary, Pastor, Bible College founder and lecturer, and dean/administrator at the Foursquare Bible College in St. Vincent, and also established a Bible College in Grenada with the same assembly.

Rev. Toofan has dedicated his life to full-time ministry. He functioned as a tutor at OBIT, at the south campus, and presently is the Senior Pastor at the Rio Claro O.B.C. He had the privilege to serve as district superintendent of Region 2 District C and has been on the board of ordination for the past few years. He was recently appointed as the Regional Superintendent of Region 2.

He is married to Min. Debra Toofan, has three wonderful children, a son-in-law, and four awesome grandchildren.

Rev. Toofan has been obedient to the divine calling of God to serve Him and to serve others. His philosophy of ministry includes production, personality, privilege and aims to serve the kingdom with passion and purpose.

About the Role

The Superintendent-Director provides an intermediate level of leadership as Regional Superintendents within the National structure. He disseminates information from board meetings to the ministers in their region.